Jeff Guest Speaks at the Arizona-Mexico Commission’s 2013 Summer Plenary
Just a little over two weeks ago I had the incredible opportunity to share my insights to building relationships and exporting to Mexico at the Arizona-Mexico Commission 2013 Summer Plenary meeting.
I was invited to be a guest panelist during the afternoon Session. The title of the session was: “Mexico: Business Opportunities in a Growing Market”.
I felt it was an outstanding event! Todd Sanders was the Moderator of the discussion on programs available and hands on experience from companies doing business in Mexico. He did an awesome job raising pertinent questions and tying the program opportunities and experiences together that provided a well-rounded perspective.
I enjoyed sharing my experiences and perspectives on what is important in deciding to enter the Mexico market. I believe the focus needs to be on building long-term relationships and being consistent in connecting with the individuals you meet. It is critical to take a long-term view of growing your business. Our next blog post will go more in-depth into these ideas and more on conducting business internationally as a small company.
Over the past 12 months I have had the opportunity to meet some pretty amazing individuals and businesses in Nogales and Hermosillo. I would like to say hi to the individuals that I have had the good fortune to meet and begin to build relationships with. The networking session they had in the evening was great. It gave me the opportunity to connect with some of the friends I have meet over the past year and meet some new friends.
I am not currently a member of the Arizona-Mexico Commission. However, I am considering becoming a member since I was very impressed with what I experienced.
Keep an eye out for our next blog post that will reveal more about my speech at the Plenary and offer some insight into conducting international business as a small business.
Have any experience with the Arizona-Mexico Commission? How about experience conducting business in Mexico? Leave a comment below and tell us about it!
Post Written By: Jeff Barth, CEO/President
Photo Credit: 2013 AMC Summer Plenary Photo Gallery. 2013. Photograph. Arizona-Mexico Commission, Phoenix. Web. 10 Jul 2013. <>.